Celebrate True Love This Valentine’s Day with Live Love Better

Celebrate True Love This Valentine’s Day with Live Love Better

Happy Valentine’s Day!

As we come together to celebrate the bonds that connect us, Live Love Better extends a heartfelt message about the transformative power of true love.

True love transcends fleeting emotions or passionate feelings; it embodies a profound state of being that shapes our existence. Central to our ethos is the understanding that we navigate life from one of two foundational states: fear or love. Living in fear, we confine ourselves to the limitations of our minds, leading to distrust, judgment, and worry. Conversely, when we choose to live in love, we operate from the heart, which opens us up to trust, care, gratitude, joy, and the capacity to both love and be loved.

This day of love, we invite you to pause and reflect: Are you living from the heart, or are you guided by the brain’s fears? Finding and nurturing the love within is not just vital for your personal and spiritual growth, but it is also the cornerstone of meaningful and lasting relationships. By embracing love as our fundamental state, we can spread and amplify love in all directions, enhancing our relationships every day.

Live Love Better is here to guide you on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. We encourage you to look within, to discern whether you are in a state of fear or love, and to make a conscious choice to cultivate love from within. This shift is essential for laying down a solid foundation in any relationship, ensuring that love, trust, and joy are at the forefront of your connection with your partner.


With love and gratitude,


Living with intention

Living with intention

As we approach the dawn of a new year, it’s natural for many of us to reflect on the past and contemplate what we hope to achieve in the future. Setting resolutions, creating vision boards, and establishing goals have become customary practices as we strive for personal and professional fulfillment. However, amidst these aspirations, it’s essential to recognise the delicate balance between ambition and the art of letting go.

When we engage in activities such as crafting vision boards or setting specific goals for the new year, we often seek to exert a sense of control over what lies ahead. However, life has a way of unfolding in its own unique and unpredictable manner, reminding us that control is merely an illusion. It’s in these moments of relinquishing control that we can truly find freedom and peace.

Instead of fixating on rigid goals, we invite you to consider the power of setting intentions for the year ahead. Intentions are rooted in the essence of who we are and the values we hold dear. Whether it’s aspiring to be a present and nurturing parent, fostering a thriving and enduring marriage, being a steadfast friend, or prioritizing self-care, intentions are the compass that guides our actions and decisions.

By integrating these intentions into our lives, every choice we make becomes a reflection of our deepest values.

As we embark on the journey into 2024, we encourage you to contemplate your own intentions. What do you aspire to embody? What values do you hold dear? Embrace the notion of living with intention, not setting goals, as a means of navigating the path ahead with purpose and clarity. Rather than fixating on a specific end result.

May this coming year be a time of profound growth, meaningful connections, and purposeful living.

Wishing you a year filled with intention and direction,

Live Love Better



Dear Live Love Better Community,

Welcome and warm greetings to all our new members!

We are thrilled to have you join us on this journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Your decision to trust us with your path to personal development means the world to us, and we are committed to supporting and guiding you every step of the way.

As we approach the holiday season, it’s essential to take a moment to remind ourselves:
You do enough
You have enough
You are enough

During this time of year, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the pressure to be the best in every role we play—host, parent, colleague, friend, and more. The expectation to achieve perfection and maintain control can become burdensome. We often feel an innate need to be everything to everyone, and this weight can be heavy to bear.

Wherever you are on your journey, we want you to know that you are just right. You don’t need to strive for perfection to be better, and you don’t need to possess more to find happiness. Embracing who you are, where you are, and finding joy in the present moment is the true essence of living and loving better. As we approach the end of the year, take this time to appreciate yourself, your surroundings, and the simple pleasures of life.
Your presence, your breath, and your beating heart — these are the greatest gifts of all.

We are excited to have you with us, and we look forward to sharing the Live Love Better way with all of you.

Wishing you a peaceful and joyous holiday season!

With love and gratitude,

Live Love Better