As September arrives, the transition from the warmth and freedom of summer to the structured rhythm of school and work can feel overwhelming. The lazy days of holiday bliss are still lingering in our bodies, and the thought of stepping back into the busyness of daily life can be daunting. It’s normal to feel this way. This shift marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, one that might not feel as appealing as the one before.


So yes, it’s okay to feel a bit of resistance, a bit of tension as the new season begins. But what if we could embrace this moment with a sense of joy, gratitude, and even excitement? September offers us a unique opportunity to reset and restart. It’s a chance to reorganise not just our schedules, but our lives—to curate our routines, our spaces, and our mindset in a way that truly supports us.


Here’s a simple guide to help you ground yourself, live in the moment, and turn this transition into a positive experience.

  1. Set Aside Time to Reflect and Visualise: Begin by creating space in your day to sit quietly with your thoughts. Use this time to reflect on all that needs to be done and all that you want to do. You might choose to write down these thoughts or simply visualise them. Make a list of tasks, both the essentials and the things that bring you joy. Then, prioritise them. This step is about giving yourself the gift of clarity. You are designing your September, your way.
  2. Create an Order, Then Take Action: With your list in hand, organise your tasks in a way that feels manageable. Remember, trying to tackle everything at once can lead to stress and even inaction. Break your list down into small, actionable steps. Focus on one task at a time, complete it fully, and then take a moment to cross it off. This simple act of completion can be incredibly satisfying and keeps you moving forward with a sense of accomplishment.
  3. Set Realistic Expectations: Recognise that the day has only so many hours. Assign specific times for each task—whether it’s answering emails, managing school logistics, or taking care of yourself. When you’re engaged in a task, be fully present. Enjoy the process, no matter how mundane it may seem. By focusing on doing each task to the best of your ability, you’ll find a sense of peace and purpose in even the smallest actions.
  4. Release the Pressure of Perfection: Remember, no one expects you to be a superwoman—except, perhaps, yourself. The truth is, if you’re handling all of these responsibilities, you already are one. So let go of unrealistic expectations and simply get to work. Focus on what you can do in this moment, and know that it is enough.


As you navigate through September, keep in mind that this is your opportunity to reset, reorganise, and realign with what truly matters to you. And remember, it’s just as important to allow yourself moments of rest and to spend quality time with your loved ones. Your children, your partner—they’re all facing this new chapter alongside you, and they undoubtedly want you by their side. Make sure that in your list, you include time to be fully present with them, to listen to their stories, and to share your own. By approaching each day with mindfulness and intention, you can transform this potentially stressful time into a season of growth, connection, and renewal.


By Lorena Bernal

This article was published in the Candis magazine (UK)